Neurological complaints, Rheumatic pain, Paralysis, Periarthritic shoulder, Facial Palsy and Cervica
All types of Rheumatic diseases especially affected in the lower extremities, Lumbago, Varicose vein
May enhance alertness and mental health Improves memory and concentration May boost overall mental p
Improves Speech, Memory, Intelligence etc.
Head ache, kapha diseases etc.
Dullness,loss of memmory, epilepsy, Insanity and emaciation. It increase the ojas and nourishes all
Insanity, epilepsy and dullness of the brain. Improves memory etc.
Head ache , cold , pain etc.
Boost up Memory Power and Intelligence etc.
Head ache, insomnia, catarrh etc.
Jatroordhwa rogas, sinusitis, haed ache, catarrh, rhinitis etc.
Insomnia,keeps the head cool etc.
Head ache, sinusitis, migraine, kapha ailments etc.
Sarvanga vata, ardita, numbness, neuralgia, sciatica etc.
Vata ailments especially of the lower extremities, Varicose veins etc.
Headache etc.
Headache, insomnia, catarrh etc
Gives coolness to head and eyes etc.
Vatashonita, Head ache etc.
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