Tansukh Vatkulantak Ras is An Ayurvedic Formulation that is Helpful naturally in Nervous system Prob
Tansukh Shirshooladivajra Ras Effective in Headache Key Ingredients: Shuddh parad, shuddh gandhak,
Giloyghan Vati, also known as Sanshmani Vati, is a potent herbal formulation that harnesses the bene
Tansukh Anu tail effective in various headaches & pinus
Tansukh Shadbindu Tail (Oil) is a popular Ayurvedic formulation known for its effectiveness in relie
Vaidyaratnam Sundheebaladi Kashaya Choornam / Sundheebaladi Choornam is an effective ayurvedic medic
Relieves weakness of the mind and body, promotes strength and stamina
Headache, Mental deterioration, Insomnia
Headache, internal Abscess and diseases of Kapha meda origin
It promotes Intelligence and Memory
Manufactured by : The Vadiyartnam oushasala Company. Bio safe natural product Highly effective with
Rejuvenation: Promotes overall rejuvenation and vitality. Skin health: Improves skin complexion and
Numbness due to Rheumatic and Neurological Problems
Bell's palsy, Convulsions due to the derangement of halics - vata
Brahmi Thailam by Vaidyaratnam is a traditional Ayurvedic stress relief oil renowned for its calming
Gandha Thailam Soft Gel Capsule is specifically formulated to address various neurological and muscu
Head ache, sinusitis, migraine, kapha ailments etc.
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