Multani Rohitkarishta Is Ayurvedic Remedy Usefull In Multiple Cases. It Can Be Found Helpful In Abdo
| Rejuvenates the Liver | Improves Appetite | Ayurvedic Natural Product | Useful for liver disorders
Manages concerns associated with UTI (urinary tract infections) Systemic alkaliser Manages concerns
Natural and effective way to support and maintain healthy liver function Help detoxify and protect t
Immunity booster Skin toner Constipation Blood purification
Poor renal function Kidney stone Burning micturition Urinary tract infection Renal colic Renal calcu
Enlarged prostate Burning micturition Healthy urine flow
Jaundice Loss of appetite Chronic and acute hepatitis Adjuvant to hepatotoxic drugs Fatty liver dise
Beneficial for thirst and nausea. burning sensation,
Prepared with distillation from the Solanum Nigrum plant Improvement in all liver disorders diseases
Hernia, Diseases due to derangement of Apana Vata Uterine diseases
Vaidyaratnam Useerasavam is an ayurvedic medicine that is primarily used for the treatment of Anemia
Tansukh Shilajitwadi Vati effective in management of urinary disorders. A health tonic for general
It has anti-inflammatory properties It acts as a natural blood purfier It manages the formation of e
Diruretic, Burning micturition, renel insufficiency, jaundice and ascites
UTI and KF Management Combo Kit The UTI and KF Management Combo Kit is specially formulated to su
Multani Punarnavadyarista Is Based On India’s Ancient Ayurveda Pharmacy Charak Samhita.
Multani Chandanasava - Multani Chandanasava Is a Ayurvedic Remedy Ideally Beneficial In Kidney & Uri
Effective formulation to deal with indigestion and diarrhoea May reduce all types of fever May reduc
Gandhak Rasayan ((also spelled as Gandhaka Rasayana)) is a Sulphur based Ayurvedic preparation. Sulp
Helps assuage pain caused by urinary tract infection Assists in burning sensation experienced while
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