Multani Rohitkarishta Is Ayurvedic Remedy Usefull In Multiple Cases. It Can Be Found Helpful In Abdo
Multani Chandanasava - Multani Chandanasava Is a Ayurvedic Remedy Ideally Beneficial In Kidney & Uri
Used in the treatment of urinary tract disorders Helps in Gastritis, abdominal distention Liver prob
Alterative and tonic. Indicated in cough, Phthisis, leucorrhoea,fever and general debility, asthma,
This ayurvedic product might help stomach and kidney functions It might help improve overall health
Balances kidney functions Manages the digestive system Stabilises the stomach Reduces burning sensat
Aids in the purification of the blood It has anti-inflammatory properties Boosts immunity
May help in the treatment of erectile dysfunction Helps in the treatment of obesity Provides support
Manages liver and spleen diseases Promotes the functions of the liver Removes obstructions in micro-
Dhootapapeshwar Gokshuradi Guggul is an ayurvedic product that might provide relief from gas in the
It is an ayurvedic health supplement It supports liver health It can lower blood sugar levels in the
S-Crush Tablets aim to normalise the deviated functioning of kidneys caused by metabolism or chronic
It is beneficial for diabetes and urinary tract problems It also acts as a cardiac tonic and immunit
Tansukh Punarnavarisht Syrup Effective in body swelling and liver disorders.
It has anti-inflammatory properties It acts as a natural blood purfier It manages the formation of e
An ayurvedic formulation for providing relief from cold and cough Helps in maintaining respiratory h
Natural and effective way to support and maintain healthy liver function Help detoxify and protect t
Immunity booster Skin toner Constipation Blood purification
Poor renal function Kidney stone Burning micturition Urinary tract infection Renal colic Renal calcu
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