Rheumatism,Nerve Diseases,Tittanus
Rheumatism,Nerve Disorders
Multani Maharasnadi Kwath Kadha 】 - Multani Maharasnadi Kwath Kadha Is An Ayurvedic Formula Which
Rheumatic Oedema of Knee and Ankles
Helps and acts as a muscle relaxant A pain reliever that helps to get rid of pain and stiffness Help
Relieves body aches Helps relax the muscles Rejuvenates the body Does not cause side effects
Strengthens the muscles and joints Alleviates joint pain and stiffness Provides relaxation and stres
Cervical Spondylosis, Osteoarthtitis, Vata vitiated conditions of Bones
It is best nutrient and tonic. Effective in Joint pain, Hair disorders, Dry skin etc. It heals Boil
Discover the transformative power of Baidyanath Swarn Mahayog Guggulu, a proprietary Ayurvedic marve
Useful to deal with chronic vata dosha Helps to relieve debility related to vata doshas Indicated in
Helps in dealing with joint pain, paralysis and facial nerve palsy Improves energy levels, stamina a
It acts well in joint and body pain It is helpful for muscular pain and edema
It is helpful for rheumatic pain and rheumatic fever It is used for epilepsy and nervous disorders
Baidyanath Balarishta Syrup contains Bala, Satavari and Rasna to assist in the treatment of pains in
Osteoarthritis Stiff joints Ankylosing and cervical spondylitis Fracture Painful joint conditions
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