Useful in Joint Pain, Back Pain & Body Pain.
Made with Ayurvedic herbs Reduces joint pain Improves movement and flexibility
Promotes healthy metabolism Helps in weight management Maintains cholesterol levels Beneficial in Jo
The Swadeshi Trayodashang Guggulu Tablets contains several aromatic, medicinal and dietary herbs. It
Relieves body aches Helps relax the muscles Rejuvenates the body Does not cause side effects
Cervical Spondylosis, Osteoarthtitis, Vata vitiated conditions of Bones
Hemiplegia, Frozen shoulder, Sciatica, Hydrocele and Hernia
It is used in rheumatism, sciatica and lumbago Helps in problems like difficulty in movement of join
Vaatakarta, burning sensation and oedema in rheumatic diseases etc.
Dhanvantari Mahavat Vidhwansan Ras is an effective natural remedy for various joint diseases such as
Provides relief from joint pain Reduces pain and swelling Relieves joint stiffness Supports musculos
Rumon Capsule & Romon Gold Tablet have all the ingredients which specially work on soft tissues and
Paraplegia, Sciatica and Rheumatoid Arthritis
Rheumatism,Nerve Diseases,Tittanus
Rheumatism,Nerve Disorders
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