Drakshavleha by Maharishi Ayurveda is an ayurvedic medicine used for liver-related disorders. It can
This tablet is effective in enhancing memory by bringing attentiveness, providing verdure to the bra
Indication : Effective in Flatulence, Abdominal disorder, Liver enlargement, Cough, Asthma, Dyspepsi
Supports Liver Health: Bhringaraja and Guduchi help support liver function, detoxification, and over
Painful urination, Dysuria Scanty urination Urine retention Renal lithiasis (presence of kidney ston
Bladder stone,urine retention
Natural and effective way to support and maintain healthy liver function Help detoxify and protect t
It has anti-inflammatory properties It acts as a natural blood purfier It manages the formation of e
Polyuria,Burning Urination&Urine Disorders
Swadeshi Trikatu Churna is an Ayurvedic powder and it has both medicinal and dietary herbs. The acti
Corrects sexual disorders and disability Corrects premature ejaculation and nightfall Relieves painf
The Swadeshi Gokshuradi Guggulu contains Gokshura (Tribulus terrestris) and Shuddha Guggulu as key i
Swadeshi Punarnava Churna is an Ayurvedic powder and it conatins Punarnava, Harad, Patha, Devdaru, B
Prevents blood loss Supports respiratory health Increases haemoglobin levels
Indication : This Bhasma is very effective in Anomalies of Urinary Secretion, 'Pandu', Enlarged Live
Anaemia, Anorexia, Hemorrhoids, Disorders of the Spleen, Sprue, gives strength and Stamina
An ayurvedic formulation for providing relief from cold and cough Helps in maintaining respiratory h
Helps assuage pain caused by urinary tract infection Assists in burning sensation experienced while
Indicated in mild to high temperatures It is an ideal remedy for all type of fevers and malaria Used
Jaundice Loss of appetite Chronic and acute hepatitis Adjuvant to hepatotoxic drugs Fatty liver dise
Tansukh Trivikram Ras tablets is an Ayurvedic Medicine for Urine Disorders such as Excessive urine d
May help in the treatment of erectile dysfunction Helps in the treatment of obesity Provides support
This ayurvedic product might help stomach and kidney functions It might help improve overall health
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