United States

Ayurvedic Medicines for immunity

Sri Sri Tattva SupaSupp Nigella Oil Immuno Protector 500 mg Bottle of 60 QTY
4 ★
Sri Sri Tattva Supasupp Nigell Sri Sri Tattva

Boosts immunity Improves respiratory health Help protect against cell damage Rich source of antioxid

MRP 899
Sri Sri Tattva SupaSupp Moringa Oil Super Food Extract 500 mg Bottle of 60 QTY
4 ★
Sri Sri Tattva Supasupp Moring Sri Sri Tattva

Helps lower LDL levels Rich in antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties Promote overall well-bei

MRP 799
Sri Sri Tattva SupaSupp Quick Action Bioperine Oil Curcuwin 500 mg Bottle of 60 QTY
4 ★
Sri Sri Tattva Supasupp Quick Sri Sri Tattva

Reduces inflammation Boosts immune system Mainatins overall well-being of the body

MRP 999
Sri Sri Tattva Chyawanprash Jar of 1000 GM
4 ★
Sri Sri Tattva Chyawanprash Ja Sri Sri Tattva

Sri Sri Tattva Chyawanprash is a unique combination of more than 40 different herbs. Ensuring the hi

MRP 410
Sri Sri Tattva Amruth 500 mg Jar of 60 QTY
4 ★
Sri Sri Tattva Amruth 500 Mg J Sri Sri Tattva

Boosts immunity and overall health Helps to fight against all types of infections Improves blood cir

MRP 180
Sri Sri Tattva Sapthamruth Lauha 300 mg Jar of 30 QTY
4 ★
Sri Sri Tattva Sapthamruth Lau Sri Sri Tattva

Sri Sri Tattva Saptamrut Lauha Tablet is an ayurvedic medicine helps in treating various diseases of

MRP 90
Sri Sri Tattva Hyperstop 300 mg Bottle of 100 QTY
4 ★
Sri Sri Tattva Hyperstop 300 M Sri Sri Tattva

Can help regulate healthy blood pressure levels Reduce cardiovascular-related concerns Supports over

MRP 600
Sri Sri Tattva Health Juice Duo Bottle of 1000 ML
4 ★
Sri Sri Tattva Health Juice Du Sri Sri Tattva

Health Juice Duo combines the unique benefits of Arjuna Garcinia Juice and Artho Fix Juice, packed t

MRP 720
Sri Sri Tattva Kabasura Kudineer 500 mg Bottle of 60 QTY
4 ★
Sri Sri Tattva Kabasura Kudine Sri Sri Tattva

Efficient inhibitory effect against viral replication Modulates the immune system Has anti-viral, an

MRP 150
Sri Sri Tattva Immu Now Juice Bottle of 1000 ML
4 ★
Sri Sri Tattva Immu Now Juice Sri Sri Tattva

Immunity Booster. Helps strengthen body's defence to fight against infections. High on Nutrients. Pa

MRP 350
Sri Sri Tattva Talisadi Churna Jar of 80 GM
4 ★
Sri Sri Tattva Talisadi Churna Sri Sri Tattva

Sri Sri Tattva Talisadi Churna has herbs that are useful in all diseases and is also a rejuvenator f

MRP 100
Sri Sri Tattva Erandamoola Kwatha Churna jar of 100 GM
4 ★
Sri Sri Tattva Erandamoola Kwa Sri Sri Tattva

Erandamoola Kwatha churna is very effective in treating diseases of Vata. It is used as a decoction

MRP 100
Sri Sri Tattva Ashwagandhadi Lehya 250 g Jar of 250 GM
4 ★
Sri Sri Tattva Ashwagandhadi L Sri Sri Tattva

Ashwagandhadi lehya is a rejuvenator & Aphrodisiac. It strengthens the body, nourishes tissues, reli

MRP 290
Sri Sri Tattva Draksharishta Bottle of 500 ML
4 ★
Sri Sri Tattva Draksharishta B Sri Sri Tattva

Dashamoolarishta is an ancient Ayurvedic formulation celebrated for its versatility and broad spectr

MRP 200
Sri Sri Tattva Khadirarishta Bottle of 500 ML
4 ★
Sri Sri Tattva Khadirarishta B Sri Sri Tattva

Khadirarishta is a classic Ayurvedic herbal concoction prepared through the natural fermentation pro

MRP 200
Sri Sri Tattva Mustakarishata Bottle of 500 ML
4 ★
Sri Sri Tattva Mustakarishata Sri Sri Tattva

Important therapeutic use: Ajirna, Agnimandya, Grahani, Visucika.

MRP 140
Sri Sri Tattva Every Mother s Kids Immunity Kit Bottle of 200 ML
4 ★
Sri Sri Tattva Every Mother S Sri Sri Tattva

Health and effective kit for kids Consists of Ayurvedic products Improves overall health and well-be

MRP 1100
4 ★
Kh Dhatupaushtik Churna50g Bot Krishnas Herbal and Ayurveda

Boosts Vigour & Vitality

MRP 520
4 ★
Krishna Ayurveda Papaya Leaf J Krishnas Herbal and Ayurveda

The Krishna's Herbal & Ayurveda Papaya Leaf Juice contains pure extracts of papaya leaf with all the

MRP 450
Shrichyawan Musli Pak Jar of 100 GM
4 ★
Shrichyawan Musli Pak Jar Of 1 Shrichyawan Ayurved

Promotes Physical Wellness Complete body nourishment supplement Improves Endurance and Performance H

MRP 499 349
UMA Vasanta Kusumakara Rasa Gold Tablet Bottle of 10 QTY
4 ★
Uma Vasanta Kusumakara Rasa Go Uma Ayurveda

Contains anti-inflammatory properties Boosts immune system Regulates blood sugar levels

MRP 901
4 ★
Vaidyaratnam Kokilakshaka Kash Vaidyaratnam

# Helps in managing erectile dysfunction by increasing the testosterone level. # Improves sexual st

MRP 80
SPONDYLITE Capsules Sachet of 10 QTY
4 ★
Spondylite Capsules Sachet Of Trio Lifescience

Reduces joint ailments Fights cervical spondylosis Removes pain Anti-inflammatory in nature

MRP 900
Tansukh Arogyavardhani Vati With Shilajit And Kutki Jar of 40 QTY
4 ★
Tansukh Arogyavardhani Vati Wi Tansukh

Tansukh Arogyavardhini Vati is An Ayurvedic Medicine useful in Indigestion, Skin and Liver Disorders

MRP 90

Best selling online Ayurvedic medicines