A complete liver tonic for Sluggish liver or liver malfunctioning. For symptoms of Dyspepsia, loss o
Strengthens the immune system
Saptasaram Kwatham Tablet By Kottakkal : A Distinctive Ayurvedic Formulation.
Helps manage stress and anxiety elevls Aids in preventing general weakness Improves muscular enduran
Maintains oral health Controls the trigger of coughing bouts Acts as a mouth freshener
Caladium Seguinum is a Homoeopathic Dilution prepared from the plant American Arum and is highly use
Increases energy levels
Helps manage diarrhea and other digestive disorders It reduces intestinal inflammation and irritatio
Ashwagandharishtam - An Classical Formulation by Deep Ayurveda | 450 ml
Effective in fever
Nagarjuna Thrivruthu Lehyam is an ayurvedic medicine that is primarily used for the treatment of Ind
It may help to restore the vigor and vitality, It is useful in urinary problem and beneficial in the
Helps to overcome weakness
Dashmul Kwath (Parvahi) | Classical Ayurveda by Deep Ayurveda | 450 ml
General Wellness
Punarnava Capsule is prepared using standardised extract of punarnava (Boerhaavia diffusa). It is al
STRENGTHENS IMMUNE SYSTEM: Best known for having a positive effect on the immune system, these table
It acts well in chronic cold, cough and flu
Hamdard Khamira Gawzaban Ambari Jawahar Wala : A Distinctive Ayurvedic Formulation.
Helps manage liver-related disorders
Brahma Rasayan Avleha by Navjeewan
Haridra Khanda Vrihat Dabur : A Distinctive Ayurvedic Formulation
Pravek Prash is suitable for individuals with weakened or compromised immune systems, as it aid
Chyavanprash (Ashtavarg) supports proper digestive functioning and also helps in strengthe
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