Indication : It is effective in acute and chronic Asthma, Chronic cough and regulates the functions
This rasa is effective in gives strength to heart and mind. it is effective in breathlessness, Sweat
Respiratory diseases, Cough, Bronchitis, Diabetes Mellitus, Depression, Aphrodisiac etc.
Asthma, cough, back ache, chest pain etc.
Stomach-ache, ascitis, gas trouble, piles, heart diseases, gulma etc.
Hiccough and asthma etc.
Heart diseases, consumption cough etc.
Emaciation, gulma, anaemia, nasal catarrah, dyspnoea,cough, Weak digestion, dropsy etc.
Pratamaka swsam, Asthma, Cough etc.
Asthma, cough, insomania etc.
1. Effective and safe bronchodilator 2. Reduces the duration of asthmatic attacks. 3. Relieves cou
Tones up respiratory muscles Improves respiration Helps during allergic cough
Vata ailments, numbness, pain, oedema etc
Productive cough, tonsilitis etc.
Kapha ailments especially in children, productive cough ,tonsilities etc
Whooping cough, asthma, vomiting, breath constraint etc.
Asthma, cough, rhinitis etc.
Asthma, cough, voice, constraint etc.
Herbal treatment for cough.
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