Kankasava is an ancient ayurvedic medicine that has broncho-dilator and mucolytic properties. Kankas
Blood Defficiency,Anaemia,Gynaec Diseases
Swaskas/ShwasKas Chintamani Ras is herbo-mineral Ayurvedic medicine. This medicine is a rasayana tha
It is cool in nature It works as a cardiac tonic It helps with heartburn and headache
Chandramrita Ras is an Ayurvedic formulation helps in chronic fever with coughing, curing asthma, fe
Shwas kuthar rasa is a potential herbomineral formulation of Ayurveda tested for the treatment of as
Sitopaladi Churna helps relieve cough and manages allergies and breathing-related concerns. It helps
Vata ailments, numbness, pain, oedema etc
Colic,Worms,Abdominal tumor,Sprue
Multani Arjunarishta Is Ayurvedic Remedy Which May Be Beneficial To Provide Nutritional Support For
Cardiac diseases
Cholestrol Supports heart Weak heart muscles Patients with high cholesterol
Baidyanath Swaschintamani Ras Tablet is a classical Ayurvedic herbomineral medicine designed to supp
This ayurvedic product might help respiratory functions It might help improve overall health of the
Reduces cell damage and also the risk of cancer and inflammation Gives glowing skin and also keeps i
Vyas Kanchanar Guggulu is a Ayurvedic product which help to manage breathing issues . It ingredient
Bronchitis and Cough
Works as a tonic and rejuvenator It has aphrodisiac properties Manages respiratory health Relieves
It can help to improve the overall wellbeing of the person It can help to alleviate the symptoms of
Stomach-ache, ascitis, gas trouble, piles, heart diseases, gulma etc.
Helps in maintaining nerve and heart health Has antibacterial and antimicrobial properties Rich in a
Jiva Brahmi Tablet 500mg Tablets | Mind Wellness Strengthens Nervous System -120 Tablets
This ayurvedic medicine effectively cures cough, asthma, bronchitis and muscular spasms
Dasamoolam Katuthurayadi Kashayam Tablet is a traditional Ayurvedic formulation known for its potent
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