Foot crack, Itching due to aggravation of Pita and Kapha
All types of eye diseases caused by "Pita" like pterygium, cataract
V.T. Powder by Vaidyaratnam is a specialized Ayurvedic formulation designed to effectively treat var
This Taila is effective in Inflammation, Ulcer, Wound, Boils, Pimple, dry or wet Scabies, Urticaria,
Helps to boosts energy and stamina Aids in improving the immune function Helpful in improving metabo
Hemicrania, sooriavarta etc.
Nourishes the body and improves strength body etc.
Epilepsy, lunacy, anaemia, poisons etc.
Obesity, aamavata, head ache, internal abscess etc.
Useful in the treatment of hyperthyroidism Helps to improve the thyroid functions Assists in managin
Anovulation, PCOS Uterine tonic
Back ache, Pain in flanks, Sacral region
Paraplegia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Gout, Neuralgia, in Aavarana Vata
Eye diseases, Rhinitis, Head-ache, Hair fall, Premature greying of hair, Brittle hair
Very effective in Numbness of the body, Cervical spondylitis, Sciatica
Monoplegia of the Hand, Frozen shoulder
Burning sensation of Head and Eyes
Malatyadi Kera Thailam is a specialized Ayurvedic oil used in traditional Indian medicine, particula
Acute Rheumatoid arthritis associated with pain, inflammation, numbness
Head-ache, Premature greying of hair, diseases of the Eyes, Ear and Teeth
Headache, Premature greying of hair and diseases of the Eyes and Teeth
Kacha (cataract)
Diseases due to post trauma, General debility
General debility, Mania, Cough
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