Inflammation on Knees due to Gouty arthritis. Ratha Vato
Vaidyaratnam Punarnnavayolepam Choornam may help the user in the following health issues. Dropsy An
Vaidyaratnam Triphaladi Ghrutham is a herbal ghee form ayurvedic medicine. It is used for the prepar
Blisters, Scabies, Chronic wounds, Fistula and Dermatological problems
Mouth infections, Stomatitis, etc
Feeling of fullness in Stomach, Distension of Abdomen, Nausea etc
Raktha Vata with pain
Rheumatic diseases especially which affect the lower part of the body, Varicose Vein
Infertility, Post natal care, 20 types of uterine diseases, Cough, Asthma, Fever, Debility, Anaemia,
# Use for the treatment of bronchial asthma, wheezing, respiratory ailment, hiccups, indigestion, ch
Cough, Breathlessness, General debility, Anorexia, Rhinitis, Wheezing.
All types of Cuts and Wounds
Foot crack, Itching due to aggravation of Pita and Kapha
All types of eye diseases caused by "Pita" like pterygium, cataract
Palatable purgative etc.
Head ache, suppuration of ears,dental troubles etc. Gives coolness to head and eyes etc.
Epilepsy, lunacy, anaemia, poisons etc.
Lohasava is an Ayurvedic fermented preparation made from iron (loha) and other herbs. It is a tradit
Allergic diseases,rhinitis,vicharchika, itching ,kodham and kapha ailments etc.
Gingivitis, bad breath, sensitive tooth etc.
Useful in the treatment of hyperthyroidism Helps to improve the thyroid functions Assists in managin
Anovulation, PCOS Uterine tonic
Back ache, Pain in flanks, Sacral region
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