Jiva Oaj Shakti Capsules Beneficial for physical and mental performance -30 Capsule
Jiva Pain Calm Potali 120 ml Alleviates Musco Skeletal Pains Helps With Spondylitis, Joint Pain, Art
Jiva Sensation Oil for Women which is Beneficial in maintaining hygiene and general wellness -30ml
Jiva Siddha Haritaki natural detoxifier -100g
Jiva Turmeric Capsules, Boosts Immunity & Promotes Healthy Skin - 60 Capsule
Jiva Ayurveda Wheatgrass Aloe Vera Juice Natural rejuvenator -1L
Helps in lowering cholesterol levels Effective in joint pains and supports joint health A completely
✅ AROGYAKAR HERBO-MINERAL TABLET: Uma Ayurveda Arogyakar Tablets helps in Weakness associated with
Ayurvedic Formulation Effective in Vataj, Pittaj & Kaphaj Induced Vomiting and Naucea.
This rasa is effective in Diarrhoea, Skin Disorders, anomalies of Urinary disorders, Cough, Piles, S
Palatable purgative etc.
Vata ailments associated with numbess and pain, sarvangavata etc.
Useful in the treatment of hyperthyroidism Helps to improve the thyroid functions Assists in managin
# Use for the treatment of Aphrodisiac, also effective in parkinsonism and convulsions # Helps to i
Tansukh Ashokarisht Syrup Ayurvedic tonic for women
Shakti Mantra Capsule is made from a unique blend of powerful Ayurvedic herbs and natural ingredient
Maintain a healthy blood flow Contains Ayurvedic herbs like Sarpagandha, Ashwagandha and Brahmi Brah
Used for tooth disorders such as foul smell and bleeding gums Helps to treat swollen gums Helps to g
Trayodashang Guggulu is useful in the treatment of musculoskeletal system and nervous system. It pro
Promotes Vitality and Stamina: Himalayan Organics Shilajit Gold is formulated with Shilajit , Gokshu
OM Amlaki combination AC 1 helps in Anemia and Acidity.
NORMAL BLOOD SUGAR LEVELS - Himalayan Organics ALA Tablets are extremely effective in maintaining bl
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