Digestive And Useful in Indigestion
General Debility,Anorexia
The formulation is effective in hyperacidity It assists in the treatment of anemia and jaundice It p
May prevent asthma,tuberculosis and other related issues May improve the respiratory health May bala
It is an ayurvedic remedy for nutritional deficiencies Herbal formulation containing essential vitam
Acts well in Gastro-Enteritis, Gastritis, Heart Burn, Indigestion, Helps To Lower The Pitta Levels I
Abdominal disorders Belching Feeling of fullness Dyspepsia/Indigestion Flatulence Loss of appetite
Constipation Indigestion Feeling of fullness Abdominal discomfort Loss of appetite
Useful in constipation, hyperacidity and indigestion
Reduces constipation Stabilises the stomach Antispasmodic in nature
Can help support digestive health and appetite May provide relief digestive discomfort and flatulenc
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